
Since the start of its activity, Gli Angeli Geneva has wanted to get involved in an in-depth educational work.

Noting, like everyone else, the decline in the place of classical music in children’s daily school and family life, the group first devoted its educational activities to children in primary classes in the canton of Geneva. He continues on this path.

Since 2015, Gli Angeli Genève has also collaborated with secondary schools, in the form of multi-day residences.

In general, the educational credo followed by Gli Angeli Genève starts from the following desire:

  • to allow children, all children, to realize that they have in them, most often without knowing it, all the intuitive and cultural apparatus necessary for the understanding of classical music, its assimilation, its criticism, the pleasure it can provide.

  • show them that they know not only how to listen to Bach, but also how to hear it, thanks to a rapprochement as popular as necessary with the musicians, with the music, with everything that surrounds the preparation of a disc or a concert , provides immense pleasure to all those in the Ensemble who are directly or indirectly involved in our educational activities.

Module - primary schools

Our educational module for primary school children is part of the range of cultural activities offered to Geneva teachers through the arts and children , a structure dependent on the Department of Public Instruction of the State of Geneva.

Three times a year, our module allows four classes to follow an educational path around Bach and the rediscovery of ancient instruments. Each year there are twelve public school classes, that is 300 children, who follow our course.

The module offered to them is structured as follows:

  1. Educational file. Teachers receive an educational package, accompanied by a music CD. This file, designed by Mathilde Reichler, aims to give as many leads as possible to teachers wishing to prepare, expand, continue, the work carried out with the students during the 4 events described below. It contains historical, biographical elements, a student file, iconographic plates dedicated to ancient instruments, musical analyzes intended for children, a German lexicon for teachers wishing to focus on the language, facsimiles of Bach’s hand, etc.

  2. Visit to the Museum. Children spend two hours at the Geneva Museum of Art and History, where they are offered a guided tour through some of the museum’s rooms, a visit entirely devoted to what relates to music and what we learn from his subject paintings, engravings, frescoes, furniture sometimes and of course the old instruments themselves.
    Armed with this initiation to what makes it possible to explore the past in a field like music, we then offer them a small concert-conference during which an oboist from the ensemble presents his instrument and the evolution of it. through the centuries. From the heats to the modern oboe, Gilles Vanssons presents and plays, one after the other, instruments that go from the end of the 15th century to today.

  3. The annual concert. The year ends with a concert given by the group for the 300 children who have followed the annual course. This takes part of the last program of the season from Gli Angeli Geneva and generally takes place the day after the last Geneva concert.